Well, yesterday I missed my photo of the day post. I did make a couple photographs, but they were just snapshots at Olivia's Creative Conventions competition. I have not even gotten them off my point and shot yet. In addition, Olivia had her first reconciliation last night, so we did not even get home until almost bed time. There was just no time in the evening.
Today I made sure to get the camera out. I took a number of photos, but I am getting much better at trashing the crap and just keeping the good shots. Perhaps some day I will be able to just keep great shots. At least that is my goal.
Because I wanted to photograph a person and not wine or accessories, I asked Olivia if I could photograph her while she watched some iCarly. Surprising ly she said she did not care. I don't think she realized I would be just a couple feet from her face with the camera in one hand and a flash in the other. But she was a good sport and continued to focus on the tv.
The lighting in our house does nothing, so I hooked up my AlienBees CyberSync wireless triggers to my SB-24 and started shooting. I wanted to just get her face lit and have the light fall off fairly quickly, so I went low power and close. My photo of the day choice is one where I had a finger over the flash to create some shadows and it just worked. I did not get another one with a finger over that flash that did.

Camera: Pentax K20 50mm prime lens ISO 200 Aperture f/2.4 Exposure 1/180
Flash: Nikon SB-25 triggered with AlienBees CyberSync Manual Zoom 20 & Power 1/64 bouncing off the included white card and shooting through my fingers.
I was pretty excited when I saw the image in the back of the camera, but knew it would take some significant processing in Lightroom. Surprisingly it was not as bad I guessed, but when playing around with presets, I ended up really liking the "aged photo" look. Below is the original color image (still processed in Lightroom). Which is better?

There are a couple other photos from the night. I have included thumbnails below. Of course Mia had to get into the spotlight as well. I did not do as well with her. The one photo is ok, lighting wise, but it is her expression that really makes the photograph. At least that is my opinion.